2022 APHL NewSTEPs Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) National Meeting
August 10 - 12, 2022
The 2022 APHL NewSTEPs CQI National Meeting was convened in-person and virtually with participants of the Quality Improvement Projects Collaborative and other interested newborn screening professionals and stakeholders across state and territorial newborn screening programs to collaborate on ways to improve and transform newborn screening systems.
Thank you, 2022 CQI National Meeting presenters and attendees. Session recordings, posters and more resources can be found below:
Day 1:
- Burnout and Joy in Work in Newborn Screening
- Advancing Equity in Newborn Screening through Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
- Breakout Session 1: Survey Design Workshop
- Breakout Session 2: Understanding Barriers to Improvement - The Gemba Walk
Day 2:
- Principles for Sustaining Improvement
- Modules and Dashboards, Oh My! – Tools for Tracking and Improving Newborn Screening (NBS)
- Breakout Session 1: Knowledge Management Principles for Quality Improvement (QI) Purposes
- Breakout Session 2: Using CQI to Adapt Laboratory QA/QC to Follow-up (Part 2)
Please contact Ashley Comer with any questions regarding the 2022 CQI National Meeting materials.