Oklahoma Newborn Screening (NBS) Program Resource Guide
June 2017
The Oklahoma newborn screening (NBS) program developed a comprehensive resource guide:
- Resource manual content summary
- Train the trainer presentation: This is a comprehensive training of the entire NBS process from the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
- Train the trainer questions: This is a post training quiz question list on the comprehensive training of the entire NBS process from the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
- Train the trainer questions key: This is a post training quiz answer key on the comprehensive training of the entire NBS process from the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
- NBS improper specimen collection visuals: These visuals developed by the Oklahoma NBS program can be used to help identify unsatisfactory specimens.
- Audit-self evaluation form: This is Oklahoma's NBS program's annual hospital self evaluation form.
- NBS checklist: This is the Oklahoma NBS program's NBS collection skills list.
- NBS hospital collection log: This is the Oklahoma NBS program's hospital collection log.
- Critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) screening protocol: This is Oklahoma's NBS CCHD screening protocol.
- Pulse oximetry visual for CCHD: This is the Oklahoma NBS program's resource guide on interpreting pulse oximetry results for CCHD screening.
- Model NBS policy: This is a sample hospital policy and procedures manual for NBS from Oklahoma's NBS program.