NHIN Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement (DURSA)

The Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement, a document developed by the NHIN Cooperative DURSA Workgroup in 2009, is a specific agreement signed by every participating National Health Information Network (NHIN). The DURSA can serve as a potential model for any multiparty trust agreement. The agreement lays out the responsibilities and expectations of each participant. Among other stipulations, the DURSA points out that all participants are Covered Entities as defined by HIPAA or Business Associates of Covered Entities, and are therefore protected by and must comply with HIPAA privacy rules. It stipulates that the data can only be used for specified purposes, and that each participant is responsible for maintaining a secure environment, and for obtaining necessary equipment and software. A DURSA may alleviate some of the concern that the laboratory or the hospital may feel about sharing data with external entities. In general, a DURSA documents the details of a data-sharing relationship more thoroughly and more rigidly than a MOU.In 2009, the National Health Information Network (NHIN) IT released a draft DURSA that would govern the exchange of health data on the NHIN.