Critical Congenital heart Disease (CCHD) Resources for Primary Care Providers

Date: June 2013
These resources have been developed specifically for primary care providers including materials developed for provders caring with infants diagnosed and treated for Critical Congenital Heart Diseases (CCHD).

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have developed tools in both the Division of Pediatric Genetics and in the Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities: What Primary Care Providers need to know about CCHD, video with Matt Oster.
o Fact Sheets for Newborn Screening for CCHD for Primary Care Providers developed by the CDC.
o Overview of CCHD and pulse oximetry newborn screening with additional webinars and podcasts found linked on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site on screening for congenital heart defects.
• American Academy of Pediatrics Resources for CCHD newborn screening for primary care providers
• The Wisconsin* SHINE Project: The Wisconsin SHINE Project (Screening Hearts in Newborns) is a pilot project through the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, the Medical College of Wisconsin and the State of Wisconsin designed to implement universal screening for CCHD. The SHINE team has developed an informative website with educational modules for the clinicians caring for infants with CCHD and explanations of the defects seen in CCHD.
• The Newborn Screening Education project, a joint venture between the Virginia Department of Health, the University of Virginia Office of Continuing Medical Education and the University of Virginia Children's Hospital, offers an online module for hospital and healthcare professionals focused on the latest proven strategies on screening for CCHD.
• The New Jersey Department of Health held a conference for pediatricians and other primary care providers in March 2015 with a focus on Pediatric Cardiac Screening and Management of Congenital Heart Disease.