Short-Term Follow-Up Stakeholders Meeting

Date: October 25 - 26, 2016
Location: Orlando, FL
A critical component to the success of all newborn screening (NBS) systems is ensuring that all infants receive appropriate testing and care. Short-term follow-up entails the process of ensuring that all newborns are screened, that an appropriate follow-up caregiver is informed of results, that confirmatory testing has been completed, that the newborn has received a diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment. This meeting is jointly sponsored by NewSTEPs and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Purpose: To convene newborn screening personnel involved with short- and long-term follow-up under the leadership of the NewSTEPs Short Term Follow-Up Workgroup. Participants will share solutions for short- and long-term follow-up newborn screening.
Meeting Objectives: 1.Provide input and offer expert guidance on challenges in follow-up.
2.Identify Quality Improvement initiatives for follow-up.
3.Develop a toolkit of solutions to common barriers identified