NBS Fees Report
1-56 of 56 results
State/NBS Program Sort descending | Initial Screen Fee | Repeat Screen Fee | Second Screen Fee | Fee Notes |
Alabama | $150 | Not Provided | Not Provided | NBS fees go into the General Fund Budget which funds all of the above - percentages for each are not available |
Alaska | $190.5 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | $100 fee for non-requested repeats. |
American Samoa | $0 | Not Provided | Not Provided | |
Arizona | $171 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Arkansas | $131 | $131 | Not Provided | Fee is charged for each satisfactory specimen submitted for testing (initial and repeat). |
California | $226 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Colorado | $111 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | $0 | Not Provided | Not Provided | |
Connecticut | $114 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | not applicable since money collected goes into general funds |
Delaware | $165 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
District of Columbia | $0 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Florida | $0 | Not Provided | Not Provided | In addition to the hospital fees Florida bills Medicaid and private insurance for screening tests. Hospitals are billed $15 per live birth--not for screening specimens. |
Georgia | $80.4 | Not Provided | Not Provided | GA NBS program does not charge for two repeats when babies are admitted to a NICU. There is no charge for second screens when there is an out-of-range result on the initial screen. There is also no charge to the PCP for second screens when the initial screen from the hospital is Unsatisfactory. Fees go to the state general fund, and are not allocated for newborn screening activities. |
Guam | $ | Not Provided | Not Provided | Public Health is not involved with setting fees or collecting them. The hospitals deal with billing and paying for screening. |
Hawaii | $155 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Idaho | $120.7 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | Fee for 2 screens required by Idaho law |
Illinois | $128 | $128 | Not Provided | Mandate provides for specimen card fee increase of $2.00 specifically for each lysosomal storage disorder added to the NBS panel. |
Indiana | $120 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | IDOH contracts with the IU NBS Lab. A portion of each $120 NBS fee stays with the lab. In addition to lab tests, part of the initial short-term follow-up as well as the courier service and other costs the lab incurs (ie IT support, administration, etc) are paid with their portion of the fee. A smaller portion of the NBS fee goes to IDOH for follow-up services for both heel stick and CCHD screens, IT support, and state program management. Significant funding from IDOH is provided to physician consultants for follow-up. |
Iowa | $162 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | State Hygienic Laboratory recently authorized by law to establish the newborn screening fee (no legislative mandate to review or approve). |
Kansas | $0 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | No fee collected in Kansas |
Kentucky | $150 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | The fee changed from $123 to $150, effective July 1st, 2021. |
Louisiana | $30 | Not Provided | Not Provided | |
Maine | $220 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Maryland | $106 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | Fee is per baby regardless of the number of specimens received |
Massachusetts | $177.37 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Michigan | $166.38 | $150.93 | Not Provided | EHDI Fee from purchase of NBS card + CDC/HRSA |
Minnesota | $235 | $235 | Not Provided | $10 goes to MN Hands & Voices and $5 goes to the Deaf Mentor/Adult Role Model program – The NBS program does not receive these dollar amounts for each specimen. This $15 was added to the NBS fee by the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission. A small percentage of the fee does support internal LTFU staff, but there is no contracted support with external specialty centers. |
Mississippi | $110 | $110 | Not Provided | Birthing facilities are billed $110 per screen. If there is poor specimen collection yielding an unacceptable specimen to use, birthing facilities are billed $220. |
Missouri | $116 | $116 | $116 | |
Montana | $150.5 | $150.5 | Not Provided | Only one screen required for most infants. The Wisconsin laboratory bills the Montana lab approximately $35 per screen for their portion of the panel. Costs for courier services are included in the "lab test" category since the Montana lab retains the entire fee but does not provide a cost breakdown. |
Nebraska | $87.65 | Included in the initial fee | $0 | $67.65 of fee covers all initial testing and requested repeats, filter paper, shipping, data management and results reporting. $20 of fee is returned to the State Program to subsidize the metabolic foods and formula program and administrative costs including some personnel costs. |
Nevada | $81 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
New Hampshire | $146 | Not Provided | Not Provided | |
New Jersey | $150 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
New Mexico | $240 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | Initial fee includes the second screen as well as a third NICU screen in applicable |
New York | $0 | Not Provided | Not Provided | Because NYS does not charge a fee, the "fee use details" are not applicable. |
North Carolina | $132 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
North Dakota | $122 | Included in the initial fee | $0 | |
Ohio | $98.63 | $98.63 | Not Provided | Fee increased to $98.63 on 7/1/2023 |
Oklahoma | $160.42 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Oregon | $175 | Included in the initial fee | $0 | Unable to provide percentages since our breakdown doesn't match this schematic. |
Pennsylvania | $41.72 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | Program is financially responsible for administrative and core condition costs. The fee charged to submitters is for screening of conditions on the PA supplemental panel. |
Puerto Rico | $130 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Rhode Island | $258.5 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | The initial fee includes dried blood spot and hearing. Bloodspot: $206.40; Hearing: $52.10 |
South Carolina | $127 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | The earned funds from the NBS Screening fee covers partial salaries of some support functions at the public health laboratory including LIMS, QA, Specimen Management, Specimen Accessioning, and IT. |
South Dakota | $106 | Included in the initial fee | $0 | |
Tennessee | $185 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | Fees charged for screening support the lab and follow-up activities. Fee is split 3/4th (lab) and 1/4th (follow-up). Fees support IT, LIMS, Courier, EHDI, and Administration as well. Data on amount spent on these activities are unknown however are covered under the fee. |
Texas | $68.63 | $68.63 | $68.63 | |
US Virgin Islands | $0 | Not Provided | Not Provided | |
Utah | $140 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Vermont | $203 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | Current fee $203.00 implemented 5/1/2019 |
Virginia | $138 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | The Virginia Newborn Screening Program is a fee for service program. |
Washington | $135.1 | Included in the initial fee | $0 | The NBS fee includes a clinic subsidy fee of $8.40 used to support the specialty clinics that provide medical care to babies identified with a newborn screening condition. |
West Virginia | $241.35 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | Initial fee includes a repeat screen fee when applicable. |
Wisconsin | $195 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided | |
Wyoming | $97.32 | Included in the initial fee | Not Provided |