Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD)

Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Newborn Screening was added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) in September of 2011. CCHD is the second point of care newborn screen to be added to the RUSP, joining early hearing loss.

NewSTEPs partners with state newborn screening programs and federal agencies interested in CCHD to provide a central location for CCHD resources. If you would like additional resources, please email

Legislative Updates

The latest updates on CCHD newborn screening bills for each state are developed by the Newborn Coalition. The Network for Public Health Law provides insightful legal assistance, helpful resources and opportunities to build connections for local, tribal, state and federal officials; public health practitioners; attorneys; policymakers; and advocates.

Data Collection

The collection of data from pulse oximetry screening will help to ensure all babies are screened and receive appropriate follow-up following an abnormal screen. Evaluation of the programs and the algorithm also requires data collection at the public health level. NewSTEPs collects outcome data on CCHD newborn screening, including quality indicators and basic information about the cases diagnosed with CCHD. Specific data to be collected can be found in the NewSTEPs Data Repository.

Educational Resources

NewSTEPs has compiled educational resources from the community that can be used to support screening efforts in other states and regions. For educational resources, pertinent publications and archived webinars please visit the NewSTEPs resource library and filter for CCHD.

Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) Recommendations